11MinuteClass : Money
Howto & Style
Welcome to 11 Minute Class: Careers Here at 11 Minute Class, we focus on making animated videos, made in a fun and entertaining way to make things interesting and easy for you to understand and learn from. We upload videos every week highlighting topics like Banking, Investments, Loans, Insurance, Credit cards, and many more Personal Finance related topics. Why exactly 11 Min? Master number 11 is called Teacher, which means that it can teach you lessons that are very important for your life. Master Number 11 sends you inspiration and encouragement to develop your abilities. Our aim is to help you improve in those aspects of life which will help you grow, that's why we try to cover information in videos which are up to 11minutes. Check out our other 11 Minute Class channels on the right and connect with us on FB for any Business Related queries.