Amit Technologies
Educational Videos in Hindi/हिंदी for #Microservices #Coding Example #माइक्रोसर्विस #माइक्रोसर्विस हिंदी #माइक्रोसर्विस आर्किटेक्चर हिंदी #Core Java #Scrum #Agile #Learn microservices in very Short time with Coding example #Eureka Server #Eureka Client #Zuul #API Gateway #Hystrix #Ribbon #Config Server #Kafka Tutorial In Hindi #Kafka with real life example #OAuth2.0 in Hindi #API Hindi #Web-services Hindi #ELK Stack Hindi #Junit #Unit testing Hindi #Evosuite #Cloud - What is Cloud, Why Cloud and how to deploy microservice in #Open-shift #Pivotal Cloud Foundry and #AWS