Aswath Damodaran
I teach corporate finance, valuation and investment philosophies at the Stern School of Business at New York University. I have online versions of all three courses here, as well as other finance-related videos. 1. The Corporate Finance Online playlist has an introductory video and 36 sessions that cover all of corporate finance (at least as I see it). 2. The Valuation playlist has 25 sessions that cover valuation approaches, issues and questions. 3. The Investment Philosophies playlist has sessions that cover different investment philosophies. 4. The Accounting and Statistics playlists reflect my quirky and unorthodox introductions to two disciplines that are critical to my valuation and corporate finance classes. 5. The Blog Posts playlist has sessions that go wit my blog posts and reflect my standing as a dabbler, rather than expert, in all things finance-related. If you need the supporting material for any of the classes, check the links below.