BookBox French
Welcome to BookBox, the land of AniBooks (animated storybooks)! AniBooks are specially designed animated stories that help in reading and language learning for children as well as adults. Our AniBooks are powered by Same Language Subtitling (SLS), which makes reading subconscious and fun. You will find that our stories promote the environment, women empowerment, animal welfare and such qualities in a subtle and fun way :-) SLS is a scientifically tested method that helps improve reading skills and language learning. It has won many awards in India and around the world. For over 20 years, SLS has been implemented across India as a mass literacy development program by our non-profit partner AniBooks are available in over 45 languages from all over the world and have been used in classrooms by teachers and at home by parents. Visit for free stories, mp3s, games and lots more.