Chelsea Celeste
Howto & Style
My name is Chelsea and I am a wife, dog lover, mermaid wannabe, and new momma. I am also a certified Teacher with my Master's of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance. As a Nutritional Educator, I am passionate about helping women look and feel beautiful. Food can be medicine for both the body and the soul. Unfortunately, food can also be a weapon we use to hurt ourselves. This abuse can manifest in the form of emotional eating, binging, starving, and overindulging. Food freedom means eating without counting. Calorie counting. Macronutrient counting. Excessive tracking and planning. It means learning to eat intuitively. To honour our bodies with food and to allow ourselves to enjoy our favourite foods without guilt or shame. We no longer demonize foods or use the concept of "cheating." We use the power of education, mindset, and sustainable, simple substitutions to be empowered by what and when we eat.