Diary of a Tentwife
Pets & Animals
Hi my name is Lisa! If you were like me and want to work with animals but have NO IDEA about the options out there, this could be a good place for you to spend a few minutes (and hopefully more…!) Here I chat about careers in wildlife conservation, life doing elephant behaviour research and bush living (with orphaned elephants) in the Kafue National Park in Zambia. I also chat about volunteering and travel. If you wanted to work with animals or in conservation… but never quite got around to it you can still use me as a sneak peak into this world! It may actually may make you see you made the RIGHT choice after all…! Jump in the comments if there is anything particular you would like me to cover, if not stay tuned as I have a lot of valuable content coming up! The conservation world can be crazy, confusing and competitive so I am here for YOU!