Eat Pray Van
Travel & Events
Hi, hello - welcome! My name is Patricia and I’m a 50+ female solo traveler. Me and my pup-son “Bogie” are just taking the bare minimum of what I need to live on the road in a van. My favorite movie: EAT PRAY LOVE has always touched me deeply, and I want to create my own journey here … in the U.S.A in a van. Maybe this might be silly to some, maybe even a little nuts. One day an Angel came to me, blessed me with a van and said “you deserve to go on adventures.” TRUE STORY! I promised I would document it. So join us , we’ll show you the fun stuff, the everyday stuff and whatever else comes our way. I named the van Fortuna. In Spanish it means “good fortune “ and that’s exactly how I acquired her. Thanks for following along on our journey! For business inquiries, please contact me at: EatPrayVan@gmail