Enigmascape DIY Solar & Off-Grid
Howto & Style
Collaborations / Media Inquiries: [email protected] We are all about DIY Solar and Off-Grid living. Our family currently lives in our 45' 5th wheel RV in an RV park near where we are looking to buy property. We are using the RV park as sort of a staging ground where we can shop for property and build out our solar system in preparation for going totally off grid in the next year or 2. Come along with us as we review and test various products and equipment that will support our off-grid lifestyle. You can get more information on our website: https://enigmascape.com By watching these videos, you understand that we are not experts, we are not licensed electrical contractors, we are not lawyers, we don't know any particular rules, laws or regulations that may be applicable to your location. All videos on this channel are purely for entertainment purposes only. We make no claims of accuracy of any information we may present. DIY solar is something you do at your own risk!