Entrepreneurs in Cars
People & Blogs
Richard Cooper, is a social commentator, best selling author, podcaster, car guy, investor, HNW coach & entrepreneur. Rich is an accomplished self-improvement advocate, that has inspired millions to reach their full potential through his groundbreaking strategies, and experiences. He's the 'do the work' guy that unplugs you from comforting lies, with clear, concise, cold, hard and uncomfortable truths that solve problems. Make sure to subscribe for helpful videos to help you get better results out of life, with money, relationships and a bit of comedy. EMAIL BUSINESS INQUIRES BELOW FOR - Interview/podcast/speaking requests only If you have a question/problem/opinion, call in on a live " The Unplugged Alpha" podcast episode (https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnpluggedAlpha) on Wednesday starting at noon EST, it's free, and open to everyone. If you need my help/advice in a private & confidential manner, book a paid coaching call, links are below.