Exploring With Phill
Exploring With Phill A weekly VLOG style youtube series consisting of Exploring, Pararnormal Investagating & occasionally magnet fishing. Ive also started to expand into "History meets the paranormal" series where I cover King Philips War sites and legends retell the stories and paranormal investigate to see if the we can make connections to the past. One of these major hot spots is the bridgewater triangle where my channel covers extensively. Subscriptions coming soon! Social Media Accounts http://www.facebook.com/exploringwithphill http://www.twitter.com/exploring_phill http://www.instagram.com/exploringwithphill https://www.reddit.com/exploringwithphill https://www.tiktok.com/exploringwithphill #bridgewatertriangle #paranormal #explore #haunted #paranormalinvestigator