Green Games Community - Trillion Trees Game Dev
Welcome to the Green Games Community for climate, ecological, educational, environmental, esport and nextgen games. Change Games started the new green games project in 2018 and we will start here in 2022! and will support the Trillion Trees Game development and green games community network in future! Pro gamers and indie game developers welcome Game developers, designers, gamers and publishers are welcome to join the ongoing project development with further game developments. The main game design for the Trillion Trees Game platform is ready. Trillion Trees The Game is not just about in-game tree planting, forests, woods, parks, flowers, shrubs, awesome environments, plants and animals. If you play real trees will be planted in real life! The Trillion Trees Game won't be just a simple tree planting game. It will be a big online game and platform for mini and indie games focused on climate, nature and environment. Indies welcome.