Human Who Travels
Travel & Events
Welcome! We're bringing you world travel experiences, backpacking tips, how-to's, budget travel advice and trip planning and holiday ideas during our adventure! We're Indian Jones and Tomb Raider, an Indian and an American couple who quit our jobs to travel the world and we're bringing you along with us! Get ready for raw adventure, cultural immersion, travel tips and hacks, and stories from the road to entertain, inspire and assist you in creating your own incredible travel story! *How to travel during Covid times *Budget travel tips *How to plan trips *World travel logistics *Pitfalls and scams to watch out for *Adventure backpacking advice *Couch surfing, adrenaline sports, living like the locals, raw adventure, and documenting the experience *Check us out at Instagram: humanwhotravels **And don't forget to subscribe to our channel to get our weekly videos!