Just Got Played
The Just Got Played crew loves reviewing games from established publishers and indie game publishers. The Just Got Played crew are: Andrew Birkett (gentleman farmer), Stephen Eckman (master of probabilities), Cory Goff (master Pokemon trainer), the AMAZING Jim Jam (as JJ), Jon (like Prince and just as tall), Lloyd Kochinka (editor supreme), Teriffic Pace (Tiffany & Eric "Erock" Mock ), and Patrick Siebert (the boss). Some of their favorite games include: Arkham Horror, Battlestar Galactica, Brass Birmingham, Burke's Gambit, Carcassonne, Champions of Midgard, Clank! Legacy, Clans of Caledonia, DC Deck-Building Game, El Grande, , For Sale, Formula D, Gloomhaven, Isle of Skye, Keyflower, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Mansions of Madness, Marvel Legendary, Marvel United, No Thanks!, Pandemic Legacy, Space Base, Star Wars Rebellion, Terraforming Mars, The Manhattan Project 2, The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, Twilight Imperium, Tzolk'in, Underwater Cities, Wingspan, and Wizard