Kitchen Knife Guy
Howto & Style
So, you Googled Japanese kitchen knives and landed here? You’re at the right place! Follow me as I discover and test kitchen knives from around the world. My name is Franki and I'm obsessed with quality kitchen knives and tools. I have been fortunate enough to travel the globe, including Japan 4 times, and have a collection that spans over 60 knives made by smiths from across the world. They have sent me their knives to test, review, and provide feedback. My goal is to be a positive and helpful source in the kitchen knife community, to be honest, transparent, and to help you decide if a knife is right for you. My videos are made for everyone with an interest in knives, whether you’re brand new to the world of quality knives, or you’re a seasoned veteran who likes to nerd out on the various intricacies of knife making. Like something you see on my channel and want to save money on kitchen tools? Check the link below. 🌐