National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院
國立故宮博物院於一九二五年成立於北京紫禁城,也就是「故宮」名稱的由來。一九三一年為避戰禍,故宮文物開始於中國境內四處遷徙。一九四九年,由於國共內戰,國民政府將總數約六十萬件左右的故宮精品文物運到台灣,并曾暫置于桃園楊梅、台中霧峰北溝等地。直到一九六五年,始遷至台北士林外雙溪現址。 在台灣落地生根的五十多年歲月中,國立故宮博物院已發展成一座現代化的博物館,不僅持續提升硬體機能,同時也戮力於藏品徵集,目前總數已達六十七萬件之譜,為全球首屈一指的華夏文物典藏。近年來,全力推動數位典藏國家型科技計劃,透過先進的數位科技,讓故宮文物有了新穎的面貌,不僅在展示呈現上更為活潑,在發展文化創意產業上,也充分扮演了新世紀博物館創新價值的多元角色。 The National Palace Museum houses one of the largest collections of Chinese art in the world. With nearly 700,000 precious artifacts, the museum’s extensive collection spans thousands of years and consists of magnificent treasures from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing imperial collections. In recent years, the National Palace Museum has dedicated itself to melding culture and technology, hoping to make its national treasures and remarkable cultural inheritance more accessible to people around the world.