Sidney Baker-Green
People & Blogs
Hey! I'm Sidney! I teach people about photography & cinematography! I like to make travel videos, give people business tips, and give away lots of free tips and resources for photographers and cinematographers!
People & Blogs
Hey! I'm Sidney! I teach people about photography & cinematography! I like to make travel videos, give people business tips, and give away lots of free tips and resources for photographers and cinematographers!
Date | Subscribers | Views Change | Estimated Earnings |
3/11/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/10/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/9/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/8/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/7/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/6/2025 | 35.3K | 0 | N/A |
3/5/2025 | 35.3K | +662 | $4 - $5 |
3/4/2025 | 35.3K | +649 | $4 - $5 |
3/3/2025 | 35.3K | +650 | $4 - $5 |
3/2/2025 | 35.3K+100 | +5,528 | $31 - $42 |
2/22/2025 | 35.2K | +549 | $3 - $4 |
2/21/2025 | 35.2K | +557 | $3 - $4 |
2/20/2025 | 35.2K | +690 | $4 - $5 |
2/19/2025 | 35.2K | +679 | $4 - $5 |
2/18/2025 | 35.2K | +769 | $4 - $6 |
Based on our estimates, Sidney Baker-Green likely earns between $187 and $258 per month from YouTube ad revenue. This can vary based on factors like video topics, audience demographics, and monetization strategies.
As of our latest data, Sidney Baker-Green has 34.5K subscribers. This number changes regularly, with the channel gaining about 0 subscribers per day on average.
Sidney Baker-Green averages approximately 716 views per day, based on recent data. Their total view count is 3.73M.
Sidney Baker-Green is categorized as a People & Blogs channel. Their channel description states: Hey! I'm Sidney! I teach people about photography & cinematography! I like to make travel videos, give people business tips, and give away lots of free tips and resources for photographers and cinematographers!
Sidney Baker-Green has uploaded a total of 269 videos. While we don't have exact upload frequency data, successful channels in the People & Blogs category often upload 1-3 times per week to maintain engagement.
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