Spoken Garden
Howto & Style
Hi there! We're Sean and Allison, a horticulturist and a former Science teacher from the PNW in WA state zone 8b/9a. We LOVE to garden together & teach you about all things plants and flowers. We sold our home in 2022 and are searching for our new home and property so we're currently growing plants in containers which is a lot of fun. We're authors, inventors of two garden tools, The Little Dibby and The Dibby XL (both patent pending), professional speakers, and content creators. Sean, with his BS and MS in Environmental Horticulture, will teach you using his years of experience including landscape design, management, and maintenance. Allison will bring a unique teaching perspective as a National Board Certified Science teacher and from years of tending to her own plants and flowers. Check out our first book published "The First-time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers," (Cool Springs Press, 2021), our website, spokengarden.com, and our bitesize podcast, "The DIY Garden Minute."