TBF Gaming
Email for inquiries: [email protected] https://paypal.me/tbfgaming?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tbfgaming Epic Code:7X8EAU My family loves Youtube, we wanted to try it ourselves. Playing games, some reviews, and maybe some VLogs of the family. I will try to remain family friendly and fun! Sometimes I will play, sometimes my kids will, and we look forward to having fun! Milestone(celebrate the small stuff on the way to big stuff!) 25 Subs: 23 March 2017 1,234 Subs 20 Mar 2019 4,000 Subs 15 Oct 2019 1 Million Views! 18 Oct 2019 10k SUBS FEB 2022! Play games such as Ark, 7D2D, Subnautica, Atlas, and other fun games on the PC!