The Indian Garbh sanskar
What is Garbh Sanskar? Garbh Sanskar means to educate a child when it is inside their monther's womb. Garbh Sanskar has been an eternal part of Indian Culture where the divine sages had prophecised that a mother can develop any qualities of their choice in their baby during pregnancy. This can be done through various methods but the most important one is to have a pure mind and a strong dedication. Why one should do Garbh Sanskar? With ever increasing negativity, hatred, stress, competition and diseases in the world, the life seems very difficult for the generations to come. It should be a duty of all the future parents to raise a child who is intelligent, mentally and emotionally strong, honest, adhering to high values and walk on the path of truth. Such children can make the world a better place. To know more about Garbh Sanskar, please visit