Movies & Trailers
Daily movie news, reviews, and long form discussions. I do Film Junkee Live Monday and Wednesday, at 6:00 PM PST, covering the day's movie news and trending topics. Those shows get clipped out into individual videos with a highlighted topic that I call FIlm Junkee Shots. On Friday nights at 6:30 PM PST, I host a stream called the Vodka Stream. Guests come on for a one on one discussion, then I bring a panel of friends on to keep the discussion going about various movie topics from the past week while sipping on drinks. On Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM PST, a partner and I discuss an episode of Batman The Animated Series for about an hour. When I'm not streaming, I'm making individual videos for big movie news and I do trailer reactions to the newest trailers. I also do reviews on movies and TV shows. With movie reviews, I first post a first reaction review which is a short video of my thoughts on the movie right as I'm leaving the movie theater.