TME - Life With Paul & Lorena
Travel & Events
We are Paul and Lorena Charron. When we first started this channel we were a suburban couple from Las Vegas, who traded their comfortable 1879 sq ft lifestyle, for RV living and the confinement of a 240 sq ft house on wheels. We spent 5 years traveling North America and visiting some extremely cool places during that time. Around year 6 we made a move to Orlando Florida. Paul worked for Disneyworld as a bus driver. It was great and we enjoyed visiting the Disneyworld parks on a regular basis, but our property to Mexico was calling. We made our way to Baja at the end of 2022, and the adventure continues. We are still unscripted, mostly unplanned and definitely unfiltered. We'd love for you to follow our adventures! If you are looking for information on rv living, full time rv living, motorhome living or motorhomes in general, then this channel may be what you're looking for! MAILING ADDRESS: 411 Walnut St #16654 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043