Tobi Lang
Hello everybody! My name is Tobias Lang - On my channel you can see a lot about RC model making, but also where my vacation trip went. Cool drone viedeos as well as music of mine I put here. In spite of all the beauty, I still want to point out the best of the best-that is, faith-personal faith in Jesus Christ. Every human being is guilty before God. No matter how big or small she is. You have to confess these ugly things before God or Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness in an informal prayer. The Bible expresses itself clearly. "But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1 verse 9 That's all. This is free and free. Imprint: according to TMG §5 providers Creators Supervision authorities email: [email protected] Tobias Lang In the meadow 9a 51515 Kürten